Inactive Ingredients: anise oil, apple pectin, brewer’s yeast, calciumsulfate, canola oil, chicken liver flavor, citric acid, dried aspergillusniger fermentation extract, dried aspergillus oryzae fermentationextract, dried bacillus subtilis fermentation extract, driedlactobacillus casei, dried lactobacillusfermentum fermentation product, dried lactobacillus plantarumfermentation product, fenugreek seed extract, glucosemonohydrate, glycerin, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, maltodextrin,mixed tocopherols, oat flour, propionic acid, pumice, rosemaryextract, silicon dioxide, sodium alginate, sodium sulfate, sorbic acid,soy lecithin, vegetable fat, vegetable oil, water, whey, yeastfermentation soluble.
Directions For Use (30 Chews):
Administer 1 Chew per 25lbs of Body Weight, daily
Cautions: Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven. If lameness worsens, discontinue use and contact your veterinarian. Administer during or after the animal has eaten to reduce incidence of gastrointestinal upset.